Thursday 16 August 2012

The Yellow Wood

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. -Robert Frost
As the trees shed there leaves this fall, I too must shed mine. The strong trunk, the branches and the roots remain, but the leaves must go. 
Some people are like leaves on a tree. When autumn comes they show their true colors, before falling from the top and the friendship decays. They become nothing but a mere memory. And when the time comes when you need them the most, when the splintering cold and darkness of winter rolls in they are nowhere to be seen. 
What you are left with is the strong trunk, and the roots. The people that matter. This is your support system, this is what sustains you. These are the people who will never, ever leave you. True friends.
Autumn has always been a big time of transition for me, and this year more than ever. A fresh start is needed and a fresh start will be had with the help of college life. This summer I found out what really matters, and who really, really matters to me. I wouldn't let them go for the world. 
This autumn before college and school starts again take a step back and assess everything. Look at the people in your life and figure out who are the leaves and who are the branches. I'm not saying you should drop the people you may see as leaves, but just be weary. If you feel unhappy with your life use September as a fresh start. Let this new school year be a launching bad for the life you want.
Fuck New Year's. September is the time for change.
That's All For Now My Darlings!
P.S And as always if you have any questions, opinions, or topics, get in touch here or on my Twitter page @SecretKeepIt or even my Facebook

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