Thursday 6 September 2012

China Dolls

Something so amazing, so beautiful and natural is destroyed in seconds. Mere seconds. Life is so delicate, so fragile. It's something we take for granted every day. All it takes is one bus, one stumble, one accident and we are wiped from the land of the living. Seconds. We are china dolls, we can fall and smash into a million tiny fragments. We are like flames of candles, one gust of wind can extinguish out light.

Ok, I am sounding very very morbid I know but I just got thinking how things can be there one second and gone the next. And I realised how it related to us as people. People die. Its a sad, fucked up fact that nobody can change. Some go old, some are taken by chance, but in the end, we all end up dead.

What counts is how we spend our lives. I for one plan on leaving behind a legacy. I will regret very little and love fiercely. I'm gonna make my mark on this crazy place we call earth. And I think everyone should aspire to do that. Not to simply cruise by in life on autopilot but actually live and love. Life can be taken at literally any second so I want to be able to go at any second, being happy with the life I lived.

A morbid short one this time my darlings!



P.S And as always if you have any questions, opinions, or topics, get in touch here or on my Twitter page @SecretKeepIt or even my Facebook