Sunday 15 July 2012

Read The Book

She’s blonde, she’s an airhead. 
She has huge boobs she’s definitely easy.
Of course he’s smart, look he’s wearing glasses.
He’s a dick. No there is no particular reason, but he’s a guy so he must be. 
My darlings, how often do we hear these things in our world today, or worse again how often do we think them? We make so many presumptions about people upon first glance that we have no evidence to back them up. 
Girls say that all guys are dicks, well usually they say “All guys are dicks, but you’re an exception.” Flattering and all it may be I don’t like it when people just generalize a whole gender like that. Sure there are a lot of dicks out there, but there are lots of nice guys too. The problem is, generally we are just attracted to the dicks. We like to think we could be the one to change them. Or maybe we just want something that is hard for us to have. I’m not sure. But while all these assholes get chased by plenty of girls there are so many nice guys just waiting in the sidelines for the right person to come along. But unfortunately nice guys are usually friend-zoned because they’re nice, and that makes them great friends.
Guys look at girls who go out dressing, well dressing … well looking as though they are half dressed like pieces of meat. They think that just because they are dressed how they are that they’re up to fuck. This shouldn’t happen. People should be able to dress how they like without expectations being made of them. Look at the television, look at the music videos, look in magazines. This is the fashion that is expected of girls in this day and age. Just because a girl likes to show a little skin, or a lot of skin it doesn’t mean she wants to have sex. And it does not give anyone the right to take away that power from her. 
You need to look at a person as a whole. You can’t know everything about someone by the clothes they wear, or the way they wear there hair, or by the kind of body they have. You can’t really make a judgement on a person on the cover, on what’s on the surface, you have to read the whole book before you can make a fair judgement.

And as always give me feedback and suggest topics on Twitter @SecretKeepIt or on Facebook
That’s All For Now My Darlings!

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Wall Building

Hello my darlings, it’s SecretKeepIt and be warned some of you will be offended by this entry but I will not apologize for my opinion.
I have a problem with the Gay Pride parades. I mean, I’m “gay” but I’m proud every day of my life. I don’t see the point in marching through the capital city just because I’m not straight. 
We are looking for equality and acceptance right? Then why do we make ourselves stand out so much. I agree that you should be yourself but do you walk around covered in glitter, feathers and wearing assless chaps every day? If you do that’s fine, it’s you, but I don’t see why on this day you decide to dress up like a stereotype simply because you are gay. 
Being gay is part of you. It isn’t what you are, or who you are, it is just part of who you are and piece of what you are. Don’t let your sexuality be your identity. Don’t let it be your complete life. People are “gay” they are not “a gay”. 
LGBT is great it really is. It brings people together and provides brilliant support, but in a way these organisations build walls from the outside world. I don’t like how they exclude straight people, and i know that sounds very silly but it’s true. You don’t see people marching in a parade because they are straight. 
I just feel the more we alienate ourselves, the bigger a deal we make out of it the bigger the gap is going to be. I think that in gay pride people conform to stereotypes that society expects of them and it just reminds homophobic people why they don’t like us.
Be yourself but don’t be a number
Be gay but don’t be “a gay”.
As long as your happy that is all that counts.
And as always give me feedback on Twitter @SecretKeepIt or on my new Facebook page
That’s All For Now My Darlings!

Friday 6 July 2012

Strut That Shit

The smirk, the look, the walk it’s all part of what makes a person radiate confidence but what is it that brings them there?
The cool charisma, the big personality, the ability to be oneself it all comes in hand with this brilliant trait. But it so is hard to obtain. How do we move past those voices in our head telling us not to stand out; that we’ll make a fool of ourselves. How do we stop caring what others think, ignore those judgmental looks? 
During the junior cycle of my school life I was the field mouse, the shadow, the quiet one. Yes I answered in class, raised my hand, knew all the answers but that didn’t exactly make me confident not socially. In groups I was the quiet one, who laughed along with the others but never really made the jokes. Never brought myself to the center stage.
Then something happened, a chance to start again, almost completely afresh. I got to leave the year I was in and move ahead, as I didn’t do TY. So over the summer something changed. I decided I was done being the quiet one. And magically I was confident.
No not really. I faked it. I put on this brave face. I adopted the “fake it till you make it” act. The butterflies were still there, the sudden scarlet face was always threatening to appear but I learned to act like they didn’t exist. I played the role of this brand new confident person who made people laugh, sometimes at me, but mostly with me. And eventually it stopped being an act, it was just who I was.
So my advice is, if you need that boost of confidence, just fake it till you make it. I learned the only way to earn respect almost instantly is to walk into any room as though you own it. Strut that shit, even if you think you look awful. But most importantly just let the part of you that struggles to get out past the insecurities shine, even if it is just for show.
But remember there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance so tread carefully my darlings.
Don’t forget to give feedback and suggest topics on Twitter @SecretKeepIt 
That’s all for now my darlings ;)
Your ever so confident -SecretKeepIt

I'm Back Bitches

Well hello there my darlings, and of course my bitches. Guess who’s back?
Most of you won't have ever heard of me, I am but a humble Tumblr blogger, but I aim to play in the big leagues now.
I know it’s been a while, but with exams and then with life, my poor, sad, barely read little Tumblr page got oh so neglected. 
So this is me blowing off the cobwebs. I am so back so stay tuned for more ;) I won’t keep you waiting too long.
The gloves are off. The gears are turning. I’m back bitches.
That’s all for now my darlings ;)
Oh and if any of you readers out there would like to suggest a topic for me to rant write about leave me a Tweet at!/SecretKeepIt
To all you new readers check out for my older stuff, from now on I'll be posting any new stuff, here and on Tumblr.